Spreading the value of Lab-Movie (Labor Market Observatory in Vietnamese universities) project on new approaches to improve training quality to Vietnamese universities

LAB-MOVIE team participated in the workshop “Employment and start-up support network for Vietnamese students ” in the framework of EcoVIP project launching at Nha Trang University with 11 Vietnamese Universities attending.
The representatives of Hanoi University, Nguyen Tat Thanh University and VNUA representing the LAB-MOVIE project shared the results of the project implementation, especially the approach and development of a website providing job information for learners. HANU introduced the purposes of LAB-MOVIE and presented the research process and results of Tourism sector, NTTU presented the research process and results of ICT sector, VNUA presented the research process and results of Agri-food sector.
The initial results of the Lab-Movie project were highly appreciated and recognized by the participating universities with a positive attitude.
Full event article can be read here.