The Project
Lab-Movie Project

The LAB-MOVIE Project, inspired and started by the University of Padova, aims to create a Labour Market Observatory in Vietnam universities in order to analyse and understand the local labour market and acquire information about its demand and offer.
In a labour market that is continuously evolving, especially in the technological and digital fields, this Observatory will allow universities to provide useful information to their students, in order to guide them in the employment search and to adapt the training offer of universities according to the effective needs of companies and enterprises

Project Consortium
Hanoi University Of Industry - HAUI
On the morning of May 16, 2023, a delegation of Hanoi University and Hanoi University of Industry, including coordinators, researchers and technicians of the Lab-Movie project, had a meeting and working session with Quang Ninh University of Industry (QUI), in the north-east of Vietnam.
Hanoi University - HANU
On 25 July 2023 a delegation of Hanoi University participated in a meeting at Halong University in North East of Vietnam with the aim to make the project known to other universities located in different areas of Vietnam. Attending the meeting, on behalf of Hanoi University, there were Ms. Dang Thi Phuong Thao - Director of the Italian Center for Culture - Language and Cooperation Development (Itacentro), Coordinator of projects under the Erasmus+ Fund; Mr Nguyen Hoang Duong, Vice director of IT and communication centre, and Ms Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet, Head of Italian Language Division.
Hanoi University - HANU
Hanoi University (HANU), Vietnam hosted the final meeting and dissemination event of the LAB-MOVIE project from 16th to 18th of October 2023
University of Salamanca - USAL
On the 13th and 14th July, University of Salamanca participated on the 3rd International Congress in Educational Innovation and Trends (INNTED).
Cristina Pita Yáñez and Jose Antonio Ortega presented the LAB-MOVIE project. Their communication can be revisited here.
University of Salamanca - USAL
The LAB-MOVIE partners meeting took place in Spain at the University of Salamanca, between 14th to 16th of June 2023.
Hanoi University Of Industry - HAUI
Hanoi University of Industry hosted the Lab Movie Project partners for the meeting and dissemination event, from 27th to 30th March.
Nguyen Tat Thanh University - NTTU
The coordination meeting and the Dissemination event took place in Nguyen Tat Thanh University , Vietnam, from the 9th till the 12th of January 2023.
University Nova de Lisboa - UNL
From the 27th till the 29th of September 2022, NOVA received delegations from the Vietnamese and European universities of the consortium within the scope of the ERASMUS+ CBHE LAB-MOVIE project.
Thai Nguyen University - TNU
The partners meeting and the dissemination event took place in Thai Nguyen University, in Vietnam, from June 20th to 23rd 2022
Hanoi University - HANU
The ItaCentro is an administrative unit of HANU and strongly committed to contributing to the internationalization of higher education in Vietnam.
Vietnam National University of Agriculture - VNAU
Training sessions to transfer knowledge about the Observatory implementation will be held from 16th to 18th November 2020 in the Vietnam National University of Agriculture
Thai Nguyen University - TNU
The agricultural ecosystem is to create and maintain a sustainable relationship between agriculture and the environment.
Nguyen Tat Thanh University - NTTU
After a long time of being affected by the Covid – 19 pandemic, in the afternoon of 12 May, 2020, members of the LAB-MOVIE Project held the online meeting.
Hanoi University Of Industry - HAUI
In the current labor market situation, universities from developing countries should be equipped with a permanent tool to help analyze, understand and grasp job fields, collect information on the needs and recruitment requirements.
Thai Nguyen University - TNU
The Australian Alumni Grants Fund (AAGF) is an activity under the Australian Alumni in Vietnam Strategy funded by the Australian Government and administered by Aus4Skills.
Spreading the value of Lab-Movie (Labor Market Observatory in Vietnamese universities) project on new approaches to improve training quality to Vietnamese universities
Conference "Equipping students and graduates for the labour market – The role of LMO"
Conference "A European approach of labour market observatory in Vietnam" at Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City
LAB-MOVIE team participated in the workshop “Employment and start-up support network for Vietnamese students ” in the framework of EcoVIP project lauching at Nha Trang University, between July 10-11, 2023.