Lab Movie starts a new chapter of the project with several in person meetings and events scheduled for 2022.
Nguyen Tat Thanh University (NTTU) carries out face-to-face surveys to 11 enterprises in the ICT sector.
15-17th June 2021 Transnational Partner Meeting held in blended mode
Updates about the project current state of art; Follow up on Trainings; Next steps
Project Training Course on Knowledge and Methodology to Analyse the Labour Market” held at VNUA from 16-18 November 2020
June 2020 (delayed due to COVID19 pandemic), at HAUI, in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Training to transfer the knowledge about the Observatory implementation, targeting 4/5 staff members for each partner HEI. (one researcher, one professor/teacher, at least one expert of statistics, at least one IT expert).
12th of May and 17-18th of June 2020 - virtual transnational meetings due to COVID19 pandemic.
Project Follow-up; Management of the project and financial issues; Next steps.